Thursday, August 27, 2009


Ok, so trying to make a good post, since everyone says we don’t update enough (sorry!). We are in Mbabane for Swearing-in. I just found out that we passed our language tests, which is a relief. We are both very excited to get to site…our host family is really great. Our make is a primary school teacher, and our babe manages a public transport business. We are very close to a really nice shopping town, and also near the game reserve in lubombo region.

Yesterday we had the snake lecture, and man the snakes are scary…I think the scariest part was when I asked which snakes could catch up to us if we ran away, and our safety and security coordinator said the cobra likes to chase you, and can actually circle around and be in front of you. Pretty freaky!

We really miss everyone back home, and we are still working on getting a international calling plan set up, but if you have a calling card, you can reach me at 0112686937690 and reid at 0112686937691.

We love everyone!

Reid and Brooke

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE reading this blog & the ?s/answers to the 6th graders was extremely informative -- keep all the info coming. Scabies had to be yucky, glad you're over it & hope that's the worst thing you get during your "adventure". Love to you both, Merry Christmas! Debbie (Mom)
