Monday, June 15, 2009

Bittersweet Goodbyes

Reid and I just got back from a wedding, and it was the last time I will be seeing my Corps buddies (I will miss you guys!) Reid and I are both getting very anxious, and are staying pretty busy. It is so weird to realize we will be in another country soon. I am going to figure out how to post our address on a sidebar- I promise I am decent with computers, I have just never had a blog before^_^ It should appear right below the title of our blog. Here it is again, and this is if you are sending mail or packages through USPS. If you have to use Fedex or DHL, let us know and we will give the alternate address.

Reid and Brooke Golden, PCV

U. S. Peace Corps

P.O. Box 2797

Mbabane, H100



  1. trust me...I am so frustrated with this's not that convinient to make it pretty looking...I can't even make the address centered...html...ssssSSSSSS~~
    BTW, it was a great time to eat lunch with you both today. I will miss ya'll a lot. But thank goodness that you have this blog.
    Best wishes!!

  2. Oh, and I can't even get the clock and count are already advancing at this technology...
